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Showing posts from January, 2019

Best & Worst Websites #5

Youtube Rate: Good!  Youtube is a video website, we can see  various types of video from various countries on the website. The webpage is very simple, mainly is given priority to with white, buttons and logo are designed to be red. Simple operation, the user just need to type the keywords that they can watch the videos they want. Users can subscribe to the favorite channel or Youtuber. In a nutshell, youtube has enriched people's life.

Best & Worst Websites #4

Apartment Rate: Good!  Apartment  is a website that we can look for some apartments, condos or houses to rent.  The webpage is given priority to with green and white, looks very comfortable. The operation is also very simple. Enter the address, the rent range, and how many bedrooms and bathrooms the user needs. Click Go, then it will shows all the apartments that meet the requirements. There are many apartments for the user to choose and provide the detailed introductions.

Best & Worst Websites #3

Amazon Rate: Good!  Amazon   is the largest e-commerce marketplace  and cloud computing platform  in the world.  As a shopping website, the webpage  is usually not too simple.  Amazon's page is acceptable, won't make the user feel disorderly and unsystematic. The operation to buy things on Amazon is very simple. And the Wish List,  Buy Again and Browsing History  function provides great convenience to the user.

Best & Worst Websites #2

Arngren Rate: Bad!  I think Arngren is the worst websites I have seen so far.  This website let me feel very confused. Different from Craigslist, it covered the whole page with pictures. But these photos are scattered, it is hard for people to read. The navigation bar is also very confusing.  This should be a shopping website, but it's hard to understand how to do shopping on this website.

Best & Worst Websites #1

Craigslist Rate: Bad!  Craigslist is one of the most famous classified ads websites in the United States. It looks like a BBS.  There are no pictures, but a dense text, with all kinds of life information on the website, which makes a person lose patience to read. The design is very old, or we can say that is no design. This website is essentially a good website that can offer a lot of convenience to people. H ope the producers will update it so it can attract more user.

The Introduction of This Blog

    Hi everyone! This blog is mainly used to discuss some famous website. Are those websites good or bad and why would I rate them that way?     I will share my opinion about those websites with you. Please feel free to leave your comment!